Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Ap Organic Chemistry Tutor - Get Professional Help With Organic Chemistry

Ap Organic Chemistry Tutor - Get Professional Help With Organic ChemistryAn Ap Organic Chemistry Tutor is an individual or group that provides advice on the laws and theories of organic chemistry. At the beginning of an undergraduate course in organic chemistry, students will need a tutor to provide information regarding the rules and terminology used in organic chemistry.The leading Ap Organic Chemistry Tutors group provides professional assistance at no cost. This can be a great resource to people who are struggling to grasp the basics of organic chemistry. These tutors have been trained in organic chemistry and help students understand the importance of their study of the subject.In addition to this, some tutors are also competent with other aspects of chemistry including biological chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, and nutritional sciences. Students should keep in mind that one such tutor can only provide a small amount of assistance and training in organic chemistry.In ord er to obtain this chemical assistance, you must be very sure that you will be able to get the most from your study. There are several ways you can find the assistance you need. One way is by searching for online chemistry tutors.Online chemistry tutor websites are often established by institutions that offer a valuable service. These companies offer online courses and online classes to students who are not eligible for classroom instruction.When you search for an online chemistry tutor, you should be sure that the website you have selected offers accurate information. Do not just rely on the reputation of the company, as it can be deceiving.If you have had a chance to browse the various online chemistry tutor websites, you should get a feel for which ones offer what. You may want to go to the websites of several chemistry programs to see which one can best meet your needs.

Friday, March 6, 2020

When, and When Not, to Hire a Private Tutor

When, and When Not, to Hire a Private Tutor Improving Academic Performance Much as an athlete benefits from a good coach, a student can reap incredible benefits from a supportive tutor. Tutoring, in many ways, is similar to coaching: it requires relationship building, positive reinforcement, support, and a true, unwavering interest in a student’s success. The right tutor can be the difference between struggle and success. With a willing and coachable student, a tutor can identify weaknesses, build confidence, and act as a constant support. There are many instances when hiring a tutor can be beneficial, including: When you need a nudge Let’s face it: something like standardized test prep can be monotonous. A dynamic tutor can not only bring some levity to a dull task, but can also install a sense of determination in the student. Creative, committed tutors take their work seriously and are truly invested in the success of the student. Having this kind of “teammate” and motivator can help push the student through a challenging and often tedious time. When school is overwhelming No matter the grade level, school can be daunting. Particularly in this age of constant projects and assignments even over breaks (thanks, technology), having a support system and an advocate to help you manage the stress is vital. A private tutor can provide help with all subjects and any assignment, no matter the size. When you need to get organized Tutors do much more than just show you tricks or shortcuts. From study skills to effective school habits, the breadth of a tutor’s capacity to help is wider than we often think. Tutors can help you do everything from take more effective notes to annotating literature to teaching you how to keep your materials in order and use academic calendars. Much like a mentor, a tutor invests in all aspects of a student’s academic workload, ensuring a smooth, organized experience. When you’ve tried the usual suspects If you’ve gone to teachers for extra help, been in study groups, and spent time in the library studying but you’re still struggling, a tutor might be just what you need. No man is an island; asking for help is often seen as a weakness in our society, but consider this famous proverb: “he who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.” A good tutor may just be the answer you’ve been looking for. When you’re almost there Let’s say you are a junior in high school; it’s the second half of the year and you’ve taken the ACT twice, done well, but feel that you haven’t quite hit your goal. You’re close, but recruiting a professional to your team might be the missing link. Adding a tutor’s expertise to your already strong performance and knowledge base could push you over the top and signal the end of your standardized test journey and the beginning of more exciting things, like college. When you’re ready to ask for help Tutors have seen it all: don’t think your struggle is too great to bring to a good tutor. Know that tutors are invested in helping you. They are not there to judge or to point out your weakness, but rather to help you see your strengths and work from a positive perspective. Tutors are accessible and truly want to help, so don’t be afraid or feel embarrassed to seek them out. The only stigma that should be attached to having a tutor is a positive one: the fact that you’ve got a staunch supporter in your corner. When you need personalization You can do every online practice test under the sun yet still feel that you’re lacking that ever-important sense of rapport and human interaction. Tutors are skilled at building relationships and forming bonds. Bonding with your practice book is a little harder, not to mention it can feel far too clinical. Bringing some humanity to the process can really inject some much-needed feeling into an all-too-often impersonal experience. Just as there are times when hiring a tutor can provide marked benefits, there are also those in which a tutor might not be the answer, such as: When it’s more than academics There are times when school problems might involve more than just grades and studying. If you are, for instance, struggling with situations at home or emotional challenges, it might not be the best time to bring a tutor on board. It is important to deal with any outlying issues first, using resources at your school and in your community. Then you can turn your focus to academic concerns. When you’re logistically uncertain Often we have the best of intentions in hiring a tutor. However, being realistic about your investment and your ability to stick to it is also important. If, for example, you cannot commit to a consistent program of tutoring due to sports or other obligations, you might want to rethink making that investment or wait until it is more doable. This article is written by Phil Lane who is a blog writer for iAchieve Learning. Phil holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English with a concentration in Writing, and has also done post-grad work in Secondary Education and Adolescent Psychology. iAchieve Learning specializes in one-on-one tutoring for all ages and subjects, test prep for the ACT and SAT, music lessons for a wide variety of instruments, and academic coaching for students who struggle with executive functioning skills.

How to Succeed in any Math Class

How to Succeed in any Math Class A challenging math class is a veritable rite of passage for students across the world. Working on problem sets late into the night can be frustrating, but most of us who have been through the gauntlet can recall moments of triumph when a particularly tricky concept is understood at last. Here at AJ, it is the mission of our mathematics departments to make our students’ first engagements with math as enjoyable and rewarding as they can be. In this article, I’ll discuss some wisdom gleaned from working with hundreds of Bay Area math students.First off, the most critical advice I can give to students is to engage actively with their homework assignments as a means of deepening conceptual understanding and preparing for successful test-taking. Students, parents, and tutors understand that assignments should be completed regularly in order to learn the material effectively. Doing so is essential, but for many students it is ultimately too shallow a level of engagement. You can read mo re about our math tutoring approach here.Students and parents often share that they feel that tests and quizzes do not reflect the difficulty or style of homework problems. Students complete the homework, feel comfortable with the problems, study diligently, yet they walk away from tests feeling blindsided. How can we address this? Here are some tips:Complete assignments regularly and on time. There is no substitute for consistent practice, though I will discuss ways to build upon it.Be aware of what topics you are responsible for knowing. This might sound obvious, but this information creates a list of goals and objectives that can guide learning and test preparation.Think actively about assignments. Teachers assign problems carefullyâ€"consider what concepts or skills were tested for each question. Create outlines to address critical thinking questions and word problems, especially harder questions. For example, you might categorize the question based on learning objectives or tec hniques that were required. Take special note of questions that combine multiple concepts.Students frequently feel that test questions are not representative of homework assignments. There are certainly times where students are tested on their problem solving ability and their improvisational skills. However, more often than not it is that the problems have been disguised or modified so that students need to think while working problems rather than relying on rote memorization. Points #3 and #4 above encourage students to apply metacognition to their learning and preparation.It can be difficult to implement points #3 and #4 in practice (especially #4). Generally, students should not attempt these tasks until they are capable of solving the associated problems without assistance.A technique that can help with point #3 is for a student to ask herself, “Why did my teacher assign these questions?” Ideally, a student can look at a homework problem and say, “This question is relevan t because. . .” This level of familiarity with questions will improve recall and allow students to work more quickly and efficiently in test scenarios.Point #4 is trickier, but ultimately once a student can comfortably solve a word problem she can begin to consider which parts of the solution are most important in the context of their current chapter or unit. Be careful not to be overly specific. The goal is not to plan solutions entirely in advance but rather to deconstruct hard problems into easier problems and to look for patterns in our solutions. This task should provide students with a foundation of problems that they can solve while allowing the flexibility to adapt to problems that look different.The student’s teacher is a great resource because teachers, knowing the exams, can indicate which topics to prioritize. The textbook is also an excellent resource as it will often have categorized questions by topic. Additionally, our tutoring team is an excellent resource becau se 1-on-1 tutoring is highly effective in demonstrating, in a customized way, how students can categorize questions or how they can develop plans of attack for tougher questions.AJ can support students and families by modeling the above behaviors in sessions. Our tutors are very experienced and can generally match problems to previously defined categories on the fly. Walking our students through this process will help improve their confidence and their conceptual understanding. We can also help by reminding students that thoughtful engagement with practice material is a long term strategy and will take time to develop.A final piece of advice for math students new and experienced alike: learn to be comfortable even in the face of uncertainty. It’s easier said than done, of course, but it is an invaluable skill. The strategies listed previously can go a long way.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Language Challenge Dont Give Up!

Language Challenge Dont Give Up! Language Challengers Youre ALMOST DONE! Language Challengers Youre ALMOST DONE! For those of you who are taking the challenge, youre halfway through the language challenge and we know its tough, but dont give up! Learning a language can be hard, and the number one thing preventing learners from finishing what they start is a drop in motivation. So to help you succeed, here are some tips for staying motivated. 1. Why? The one-worded question where all of this began. Why are you taking this challenge?  You wanted to learn a new language! 2. Stop focusing so much on the negatives. Bring out the positives and be proud of every achievement made, whether it be you finished another session, learned a new way of saying something or finally mastered some new vocabulary. 3. Understand that this isn’t meant to be easy. In fact it will be incredibly frustrating, but believe in yourself and you will go far. Doing 2-3 language lessons a week is tough but achievable. 4. You are not alone.  Talk with other challengers, post your achievements on our discussion pages to get encouragement from others.  Its always best when you share your achievements with others! 5. Focus on your goal Have fun. Look at what you’re doing and enjoy it.  The feeling of accomplishment (and the prize of 300ITC) that you will get when you complete the challenge is  something you should focus on.

Lexie Language Challenge Week 2

Lexie Language Challenge Week 2 So Jim sat down with me today to check how my Language Challenge is going.  Below is our conversation about Week 2: Hows your Language Challenge Progress so far? Language Challenge Completed Sessions:  6 Language Challenge Sessions Remaining:  14 Session Schedule for Week 3:  3 So how are you feeling after week 2 of the Challenge? I feel that I am on the right track. Taking lessons absolute helps me to practice speaking French in an efficient way.  I feel learning a foreign language is a strange thing, even you stop to use this language for one week,  you really  feel that you start to fall behind, and you could not speak as well as before. Taking 3 sessions per week for me is not very easy because my job is really busy, and last week one of my French teacher was busy with his school stuff so he canceled one of the sessions.  There were a couple of days that I stopped taking lessons, but when I started back to taking it again I could feel that my French had regressed.  It really proves that I need to keep up with practicing more regularly in the future! Have you hit any problems or roadblocks with the Challenge?  How did you overcome them? Actually I bought two packages with two different teachers, and I have scheduled all packages lessons already, but last week the wifi at my place started to have problems.  One session went really badly and at the end I could not hear a word from the teacher although she could hear me clearly, that made me panic, because the Chinese New Year holiday is right around the corner and I have to take four sessions at home during the 7 day holiday.  Anyway I will try to figure it out.   I feel that whenever a teacher converses with me about general things in French, it went pretty well, but when we started to talk about specific topics by using certain grammars (le Subjonctif, le Conditionnel,etc), it always turned out to be really hard for me.  Anyway, I could tell you that back in November last year, the first time I started the lesson, I could only speak some words, now at least I could keep a conversation in French for at least 15 minutes, so no matter how frustrating it is sometime s, I will keep doing this because I know that I am progressing in this way. What has been the hardest thing about the Challenge? Ahhhhh..There is nothing hard about the challenge, the hard part is learning the language. Just need time to take lessons, but it is beneficial for myself, so it is good. Do you feel your French improving?  Are you satisfied with your progress so far? I feel my French improved a lot in the first week, but as I said, last week was pretty frustrating because I only took 2 lessons and I could feel I fell behind a little bit, and the bad Wifi situation. I hope I could keep on progressing like the first week in the coming next few weeks. Since with the community tutor we only talk about general stuff, so during the conversation I could feel my progression, and the teacher made the comment to me saying I was dealing with it really well.^_^ What advice do you have for our other italki Challengers? MmmmmI bet different people are in different tracks, and I hope everyone is doing well on what they need. I know it is easy to take 2-3 lessons per week at the beginning, but it will be hard to insist on it for one month and a half. But I believe some of them could already feel the progressing so just keep doing it. If you feel things are not going well, I suggest you to change a teacher. On italki one of the best things is that you could switch your teacher at anytime, try to find a teacher that you could get the most benefit from! Anything else youd like to add? I really wanna pray for a better Wifi connection at my place for the next coming weeks! Lexie Language Challenge Week 2 So Jim sat down with me today to check how my Language Challenge is going.  Below is our conversation about Week 2: Hows your Language Challenge Progress so far? Language Challenge Completed Sessions:  6 Language Challenge Sessions Remaining:  14 Session Schedule for Week 3:  3 So how are you feeling after week 2 of the Challenge? I feel that I am on the right track. Taking lessons absolute helps me to practice speaking French in an efficient way.  I feel learning a foreign language is a strange thing, even you stop to use this language for one week,  you really  feel that you start to fall behind, and you could not speak as well as before. Taking 3 sessions per week for me is not very easy because my job is really busy, and last week one of my French teacher was busy with his school stuff so he canceled one of the sessions.  There were a couple of days that I stopped taking lessons, but when I started back to taking it again I could feel that my French had regressed.  It really proves that I need to keep up with practicing more regularly in the future! Have you hit any problems or roadblocks with the Challenge?  How did you overcome them? Actually I bought two packages with two different teachers, and I have scheduled all packages lessons already, but last week the wifi at my place started to have problems.  One session went really badly and at the end I could not hear a word from the teacher although she could hear me clearly, that made me panic, because the Chinese New Year holiday is right around the corner and I have to take four sessions at home during the 7 day holiday.  Anyway I will try to figure it out.   I feel that whenever a teacher converses with me about general things in French, it went pretty well, but when we started to talk about specific topics by using certain grammars (le Subjonctif, le Conditionnel,etc), it always turned out to be really hard for me.  Anyway, I could tell you that back in November last year, the first time I started the lesson, I could only speak some words, now at least I could keep a conversation in French for at least 15 minutes, so no matter how frustrating it is sometime s, I will keep doing this because I know that I am progressing in this way. What has been the hardest thing about the Challenge? Ahhhhh..There is nothing hard about the challenge, the hard part is learning the language. Just need time to take lessons, but it is beneficial for myself, so it is good. Do you feel your French improving?  Are you satisfied with your progress so far? I feel my French improved a lot in the first week, but as I said, last week was pretty frustrating because I only took 2 lessons and I could feel I fell behind a little bit, and the bad Wifi situation. I hope I could keep on progressing like the first week in the coming next few weeks. Since with the community tutor we only talk about general stuff, so during the conversation I could feel my progression, and the teacher made the comment to me saying I was dealing with it really well.^_^ What advice do you have for our other italki Challengers? MmmmmI bet different people are in different tracks, and I hope everyone is doing well on what they need. I know it is easy to take 2-3 lessons per week at the beginning, but it will be hard to insist on it for one month and a half. But I believe some of them could already feel the progressing so just keep doing it. If you feel things are not going well, I suggest you to change a teacher. On italki one of the best things is that you could switch your teacher at anytime, try to find a teacher that you could get the most benefit from! Anything else youd like to add? I really wanna pray for a better Wifi connection at my place for the next coming weeks!

4 Ways to Bounce Back After You Dont Get Your Dream Job

4 Ways to Bounce Back After You Don't Get Your Dream Job Image via Pexels After the long and arduous process of polishing up your resume, cleaning up your social media profiles, relentlessly practicing and rehearsing interview answers, and finding the very best outfit to wear, I am burdened with the task of telling you that unfortunately, you didn’t get the job. Whether you see those words in an email or hear them in a phone call, they are absolutely soul-crushing. Sometimes some rejections are easier to cope with and understand more than others, while some just leave you questioning every little thing you said, gestured or done and what made you imperfect for the position. Getting rejected and not getting the job you applied for can be disappointing and leave you discouraged about applying to other jobs altogether. While you may feel bummed about this, there are a few things you can do to boost your mood, gain your confidence back and increase your productivity. Are you a college student or recent graduate? Have you been looking and applying for jobs but haven’t had the best of luck? Looking for ways to cope with job rejection? Check out these four tips that will help you get back out there and keep hunting for your dream job! Image via Pexels 1. Take Your Time to Grieve: Just like any kind of rejection, it is definitely appropriate to take time to grieve what happened and the job you didn’t get. Go for a walk, hibernate in bed with Netflix, cry it out, order some take-out- do something that makes you feel better and gets your mind off the loss of the job you didn’t get. There’s nothing wrong with expressing your emotions and letting out any pent-up sadness or anger you may have about this rejection. Just don’t stay in this place of grief forever, do what you have to do and move on! You won’t do yourself any good being closed off and isolated from the world, especially the job world. 2. Give Thanks: In a negative mindset, this may seem like the very last  thing you want to do, but trust me, it’s the right way to go. After you’ve grieved properly, consider sending a short thank you note or email to the person that interviewed you, thanking them for their consideration and time reviewing you as a potential candidate for a position with their company. This will not only make you feel better, but it will also make a lasting impression with your interviewer. Perhaps a new position will open up in the future, and guess who will be considered above everyone else? You! Image via Pexels 3. Remember Your Successes:  When you get rejected and don’t get the job you wanted, its very easy (and human) to fall into a negative mindset and focus on everything that went wrong. Instead of doing this, get a piece of paper and some colorful pens and write out your many successes that brought you to the place you are now. Adrian Granzella of the Muse helps with this by reminding us, “No, you didn’t get the job. But before that, there were lots of things that went right. Right? Your resume, cover letter, or networking caught the eye of the hiring manager. You told great stories in the interview. You beat out other candidates to make it to the final round. Heck, you found your dream job in the first place!” 4. Respectfully Ask for Feedback: After not getting the job, one of the most pressing thoughts in our head is, “What went wrong?” In the thank you note/email, kindly make it known that you’d like some feedback. Granzella gives a perfect way of asking for feedback through this short and sweet statement- “If there’s anything I can do to improve my candidacy for similar positions, I’d value your thoughts.” This is the perfect way to ask for feedback while also being formal and expressing value in the opinion of the company/interviewer. At some point in our lives, we will all face some kind of rejection in the job world. Unfortunately, there will come a time when there’s a candidate more experienced, fit, and appropriate for the position we are looking for. Despite this reality, we can easily bounce back and immerse ourselves in the job market again after caring for ourselves and figuring out where we need to improve. Just be persistent and focus on the positives. As always, good luck!

Helping kids focus at home - Aloha Mind Math - ALOHA Mind Math

Helping kids focus at home Today, with the availability of so many gadgets and gizmos it is quite easy for a child to get distracted and forget about or not do tasks like homework properly. Yet, helping children develop self-discipline, effective focus strategies and concentration skills at an early age is a basis for long-term success. Here are some practical tips that parents can incorporate in a child’s routine to help the child focus: Manage distractions It is not possible to eliminate every possible distraction, but parents can minimize the number of things that grab a child’s attention away from the task at hand. It’s a good idea to start with technology: no phone, video games or computers till homework is done. Complete silence isn’t always mandatory, because research has shown that certain types of music help people concentrate better. Establish rules for homework time Children can never pass up an opportunity to go out and play with their friends. Unexpected distractions like a knock on the door to go out and play are unavoidable. Keeping this in mind is it necessary to let children know that homework and studying should be completed (neatly and correctly) before going out to play. Making sure they are systematic in their work and giving them the responsibility of doing a good job and not slip shot work will go a long way. Set a study Place Create a designated place in your home for independent study. Make sure this space has a table and chair with enough room for books and other papers. Keep stationery readily available, there’s no harm in keeping extra supplies to avoid last minute trips to the store. When setting up a study space, look for a place that is quiet, where distractions are minimal. A well lit and ventilated area is also important. Photo courtesy: Rewards Rewards are a great way to motivate children, but they can easily become bribes. But the fact is, human beings respond to positive reinforcement. If you think a positive reward system will work to help motivate your children, avoid material, monetary or food rewards. Instead rewards can be based on spending quality time with your kids, for instance taking your kids to an amusement park. You can also ask your kids to think of things they’d like to do with you. Learn What Work Style Works Children need to see and understand the value of study, and kids have different ways of learning and processing information. Make it a point to see what works best for your child. Some children may work better if they are able to walk around and think out loud. Some children do better lying on the floor with their books spread around them. Once you find out what suits your child best, it will be easier to make a homework timetable. Being able to focus, concentrate and maintain good study habits are life skills that will set your children up for success in all aspects of their lives. ALOHA’s learning programs improve your kid’s concentration skills and overall learning development. Visit our website for more information